The business side of book writing

Let me give you some statistics about book publishing. In 2013, Forbes published a story that estimated 600,000 to 1 million books are published every year. (I know that's a wide range, but the story reported that there are a lot of conflicting sources.) Further, about 50 percent of the published books are independently published. (An independently published book is one published by the author. My books are independently published. The flip side to independent publishing is when an author contracts with an agent, who then works to sell a book to a publisher, who then buys the manuscripts and . . . maybe . . . publishes it.) The Forbes article also suggests that the average book sells less than 250 copies (I've seen other sources that project 150 as a goal) and a book has less than a 1 (One) percent chance of being physically stocked in a bookstore. Add to this another stark reality: People don't read. A 2015 Pew Research Center study showed that 72 percent of adults...