Jeremiah was a bullfrog . . .

I like it when authors insert song lyrics into a book to make a statement or help the reader with a place in history. One of the masters of this is Stephen King, who has used song lyrics in many of his famous horror novels. When I wrote Elm Street last year, I wanted to include lyrics from commercially popular songs of the 60s and 70s as one way to remind readers of the times. I used select lyrics from four songs - Three Dog Night's Joy To The World, Last Train To Clarksville by the Monkees, Larry Norman's I Wish We'd All Been Ready, and Eddie Cochran's Summertime Blues. I didn't randomly choose these songs - each had a specific purpose behind its place in the book. Reading the first draft of Elm Street, one of my many editors advised me to get permission to publish the lyrics. Knowing that was the right thing to do, I sought permission. I received an interesting education and obtaining the publishing rights was relatively easy. I first researched the actua...