Good advice that I heard well

Our oldest son, Andrew, was born in November 1988. I was one proud daddy, and I didn't care who knew about it. If you've lived long enough and paid attention well enough you've bumped into those people who said something that really stuck with you. This advice, unwanted perhaps, maybe from a stranger, caused you to pause almost like bumping your head causes you to pause. But, you hear it, you process it, and it sticks with you - for a lifetime. Andrew was born on a cold, cold November morning - a Tuesday morning. Vicki came home from Northside Hospital, in Atlanta, on Thursday morning. Her mama came to stay with us for a few days, and I took advantage of that help to get out and be the proud papa. That led me to the Forsyth County Courthouse, in Cumming, GA, my hometown, where I went to the tax commissioner's office for a bit of business. The late Bobby Gilbert was tax commissioner at the time, and he congratulated me on being a daddy, and then just randoml...