Why Wedding Anniversaries are important

Me and Vicki Saturday, Aug. 16, 1986 Wedding Anniversaries are important. Don't take them lightly. Vicki and I celebrate our 32nd Anniversary this week on Thursday, Aug. 16. There's nothing particularly significant about No. 32, but we will still press the pause button of our lives and spend a couple of days together. Vicki is adamant that we celebrate our anniversary on Aug. 16 each year - our actual Wedding date. It doesn't matter if it's a Tuesday or a Wednesday or a Thursday. We celebrate the day - we even celebrate the time on the day (the service began at 7:30 p.m.). Here's why Wedding Anniversaries (even No. 32) are important and deserving of recognition. 1. There's something supernatural at work. For Jesus followers, like Vicki and me, marriage goes all the way back to the beginning of time. It was breathed into existence by God, who saw that man needed a partner (woman) and created her. This partner wasn't to walk in front of or behind ...