Babe Ruth: Baseball Boy

The Babe Ruth book that sparked a frenzy. For as long as I can remember, I have loved reading. It's out of that love, that my love for creative writing was born. In fact, I'll be just honest with you, I don't think you can be a good writer unless you are first a reader. You have to be in love with words. I don't have the great vocabulary of my friends Ed "Wordman" Lorenz or Chuck Toney, but I like to think all those years in the newspaper business taught me how to write so people can understand and enjoy what I put on paper. Let's get in the way-back machine. Let's go back to Mrs. Edith Wright's second-grade class at Cumming (GA) Elementary School on Elm Street, in Cumming. Like every other child in that class, I learned to read in first grade. (My teacher was Miss Johnson and she curiously disappeared from the face of the Earth after that one year. The born-from-hell heathen Van Piper was clearly too much for her.) Mrs. Wright introdu...