A family tradition begins its 24th year

The Tika Namus and Big Boys have won 7 titles each In the fall of 1984, before there was the internet, online sports leagues, and when ESPN was only five years old, I joined my first fantasy football league among the newsroom brotherhood of The Statesboro Herald, in Statesboro, GA. Labor Day weekend, we gathered at Joel Ganger's house, paid a $20 entry fee and then in a snake draft, we chose teams among NFL players. Each team had a quarterback, a running back, two wide receivers, and a kicker. A schedule was built so that we each played one another several times. At the end of the weekend's games, you got the points that your offensive players scored and the tally was your team's score. You could change any player on your roster week-to-week, but it cost you $2 per move. Active players carried over year-to-year - just like real life. We followed the players through the newspaper box scores. The sports editor - a guy named Steve (I think) - was the commissioner and...