The 2013 Christmas Eve service

All who know me know that I love the church. Still, Vicki and I did not take our boys to Christmas Eve services. The Brotherhood - Once Upon A Time Here's why: The idea behind a Christmas Eve service is worship, right? At the time, our church did not offer childcare for smaller children, which meant - for us - four very excited little boys prevented everyone within a 50-foot radius from experiencing worship. We may have been agents of the devil. For an hour, Vicki and I experienced whispering, standing up and sitting down, pleas for the bathroom, and goofy excitement. At one point, Richard began crawling underneath the pew. William joined him. They wrestled. I left the Christmas Eve service mad at my boys, and that was a crappy attitude to have on Christmas Eve. So, we replaced Christmas Eve services with Hollywood. We went to the movies. Then we came home and made Philly Cheesesteaks, watched some Rankin-Bass Christmas cartoons, and everyone went to bed happy and with ...