Thursday night on Facebook Live

Facebook Live makes me think of a Mad Scientist
This Thursday, March 8, from 8-8:45 p.m. ET, I'm going to read a chapter from my new book Hickory Trail. This is the third and last in a three-book series about my life - fictionalized to make it more interesting.

The chapter I've chosen is one that I had a lot of fun writing. I've also referenced it in, well, in a sermon or two preached along the way. Neither of those churches invited me back, which is probably just as well for everyone involved.

The chapter has nothing to do with a Mad Scientist, pictured at right, but Facebook Live makes me feel like a Mad Scientist. Incidentally, the chapter I'm going to read has nothing to do with Science of any kind - regardless of emotion (mad or not).

You will need to visit my Facebook Page on Thursday night for all this fun. If you already 'Like' the page you may get a notification when the Live gathering starts. Click here for the page.

The actual "reading" won't start until about 8:15 because I've never done anything like this before, and I want to make sure all the technology is working. I'll also be able to give a little introduction to the story that I'm going to read.

You will be able to add comments and ask questions during the event, but I won't be able to see them because . . . I'll be reading and I'm not Superman. But, after I'm finished, I may scroll through the comments and questions and respond to some of it. It will be fun.

I realize that I'm going up against some pretty popular television on Thursday night at 8 p.m.
  • On CBC, there's The Big Bang Theory, which I once liked a lot but now I'm tired of it.
  • On ABC, there's Grey's Anatomy, which I have never watched and honestly didn't know it was still around.
  • On NBC, there's Superstore, which I rarely watch, but have on occasion. I'm fascinated by it but rarely laugh out loud.
  • On Fox, there's Gotham, which I do like a lot, but I always tape it on DVR and watch the whole season at one time.
So, there's the big four I'm going up against. Choose your 8 p.m. viewing wisely. :)

Hope to see you Thursday night.


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