THREE: Thank you, Gayle

I sat on the back row of a funeral today - the funeral of a woman I met only one time, but a woman who became one of my dearest encouragers. Today, I listened and prayed as a vocalist sang "How Great Thou Art" and I cried to myself when she sang that most beautiful hymn, "In The Garden." A few of Gayle Brazell's friends gave testimony to her life well-lived, a life of incredible public service, kindness, love of family and friends, and friends-like-family, and especially her love for Jesus and His church.

I can testify that she had room to love me, too.

I met Gayle last December. Vicki and I were serving as the volunteer narrators for the Christmas musical performed by our church's Legacy Choir. After the performance, my friend Steve Mathias approached me with a neighbor he wanted me to meet. 

A few months earlier, Gayle Brazell was battling cancer when she walked into Kitty's Hallmark, in Lexington. She didn't know me, but browsing through the store saw the display of my books on sale there. She bought Brookwood Road and read it. She then saw her neighbor, Steve, and like every good reader said, "You should read this book." (All good readers love to pass books along.)

Steve, who already owned my book on Kindle, says he looked at her and said, "Scott goes to church with me and Allison." As Christmas approached, somehow in their neighborly conversations, Steve probably said something like, "Gayle, would you like to meet Frank Wilcox?" And, that's how she came to be at that Christmas musical with him. Only I wasn't my alter-ego Frank Wilcox that night . . . I was a heftier version of Joseph - Earthly father of our Lord.

"I loved your books," she said quietly as she stood there with me and Vicki. "They have been such a blessing to me at this time in my life." I assured her that her being there that night, speaking to me, and encouraging me was the real blessing.

I went home and sent her a Facebook friend request, and she immediately accepted it. That's when the real encouragement began. Every time I posted about faith or family or my love for Vicki, Gayle "loved" those posts, and often commented. She encouraged me to write more, to love my family, and she thanked me for adding to her life. She was beautiful and if you will permit me, she was precious.

Today, sitting on the back row of her funeral service and reading her obituary, I realized the thousands of lives she must have touched through the church, music, and a 45-year career as a professional development educator for several different departments within South Carolina state government. Yet, she had time - she took the time - to encourage a man she only knew through the stories he told through books she serendipitously discovered.

Sometimes, I've learned, the Lord sends people into your life for the entire journey; others are there just for one conversation and maybe a handful of Facebook messages. All those people are important to your journey. Live simple and slow enough to have eyes and ears to notice those people. They really are angels.

I will never forget Gayle Tallon Brazell. I look forward to finding her "just over there" when we all get together in heaven one day. She will be there. If you are there, and I hope you are, please look for the brightest encourager at the gate. That will be my friend, Gayle.


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