TEN: The blessing of a bed frame

This past Saturday, I decided to clean out behind our little backyard shed. I looked around the back yard, looking for some little project to tackle, and the shed called my name. Behind the shed is the graveyard for things I don't intend to keep. I throw them back there because I'm too lazy to take them to the trash and recycling center. When the living dead of the graveyard starts becoming visible from the back deck, well, it's time for cleanup. There was an old busted sawhorse. There were two pieces of cracking PVC pipe. There was an old dog kennel, with a missing door, from many years ago. There was an old broken mop handle - or it may have been a broom handle. I'm no longer sure. There was a rotten canvas thing the boys once used as a baseball target. There was an old rusty discus from Andrew's high school track days. There were various old, rotten wooden boards. There was also an old garden hose. And, there was a two-piece metal, adjustable bed frame. After pul...